SEP Consulting, etc.

Consulting on Standard Essential Patents (SEPs), etc.

When a new “standardization” becomes real, SEPs become apparent, and even get involved in disputes, you may be worried about what kind of response should be taken.

The JSEP Center will consider the countermeasures together and provide advices, by the experience and knowledge of our staffs as experts.
Please feel free to contact us first.

Please refer to the “Schedule of charges” in the “Organization” for the costs after the consulting contract.

JSEP Center will not only provide consultations, but also listen to your individual concerns regarding SEPs and consider how to deal with them.

Please note that we may only work for referring you to an expert in certain case, depending on the speciality of the consultation.

Application for SEP consulting

Please download the [Application form for SEP consulting], fill in the required information, send it to JSEP center in Word format data as attachment of e-mail.
Please note that SEP consulting applications are accepted only in Japanese at present.

Inquiries about SEP consulting etc.

Please refer to [Inquiries].