about us

Japan Standard Essential Patent Support Center (JSEP Center) has been established for the purpose of conducting evaluation, training, and consulting related to standard essential patents (SEPs).
JSEP Center member consists mainly of attorneys at law and patent attorneys, and we will use our knowledge as experts in the field of SEPs to serve our clients.


Evaluation of Standard Essential Patents (SEPs)

We will compare client’s own patents or other companies’ patents with the standard contents and evaluate whether or not the patent is qualified for being essential for the standards from the standpoint of a third party.

Training on Standard Essential Patents (SEPs)

We will provide appropriate training on SEPs for people in various roles to increase their knowledge of SEPs.

Consulting on standard essential patents (SEPs)

We will work with clients to examine measures and provide advice to resolve issues, not only with regard to SEPs, but also with regard to the establishment of the technical standards that are the prerequisites for such SEPs.

News release

JSEP Center website has been released.