SEP Evaluation

Evaluation of Standard Essential Patents (SEPs)

We will compare client’s own patents or other companies’ patents with the standard contents and evaluate whether or not the patent is qualified for being essential for the standards from the standpoint of a third party.

As evaluation procedure, a regular procedure and a simplified procedure are provided, taking into account the requests of applicants.

– Regular procedure

— using evaluation documents, consisting of both “Summary of the evaluation” and “Details of the evaluation”

– Simplified procedure

— using evaluation a document, consisting of “Summary of the evaluation”

“Summary of the evaluation” includes a conclusion of SEP evaluation and the chart with comparison result between the patent invention and the corresponding part in the standard.

“Details of the evaluation” includes the detailed contents of the evaluation, such as the reason for reaching the conclusion.

Regarding the costs required for evaluation, please refer to the “Schedule of charges” in the “Organization”.

Application for SEP evaluation

1.Preparing documents required for SEP evaluation application
  • [1]Please download [Application form for essentiality evaluation of patent], fill in the necessary items, and complete the evaluation application form in electronic data (Word format).
  • [2]Please prepare the specified attached documents as electronic data.
2. Sending the contact information from the applicant and sending specific folder information from JSEP Center
  • – Please send an e-mail to JSEP Center with the title “Request for notification of specific folder for sending evaluation-related documents”. The contact information (name, e-mail address, and phone number) and the evaluation requester name (person or company ) should be included in the body of the e-mail.
  • – JSEP Center send an e-mail to the contact e-mail address, regarding the specific folder for sending the electronic data described in abovementioned section 1[1][2] and the remarks on sending the electronic data.

Inquiries about SEP evaluation

Please refer to [Inquiries].