SEP Training

Training on Standard Essential Patents (SEPs)

We have provided training courses on standard essential patents for JSEP Center regular members / JSEP Center associate members, those aiming to become the JSEP Center associate members, and the general public. Please refer to [SEP Training summary list] for training contents. For the cost of training, please refer to the “Schedule of charges” in the “Organization”.

Application for SEP training

If you are interested in SEP training, please download the [Application form for SEP training] , fill in the required information, send it to JSEP center in Word format data as attachment of e-mail.
Please note that SEP training applications are accepted only in Japanese at present.

Training materials

JSEP center will inform the registered SEP training applicant of the specific folder where the training material data is stored.

Inquiries about SEP training

Please refer to [Inquiries].

SEP Training summary list

Note: The themes and the contents of the training may be subject to change.




Sample Titles
General user
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