Privacy policy

Japan Standard Essential Patent Support Center (hereinafter referred to as “the Center“ or “we”) acknowledges the importance of personal information (name, address, date of birth, telephone number, and other unique information), and do our best on its appropriate handling and thorough protection, based on the following guidelines.

In addition, when using the Center’s website (hereinafter referred to as “this website”), those who visit this website (hereinafter referred to as “customers”) are deemed to have agreed to our privacy policy.

Personal information acquired from customers

  • When using this website, we may collect personal information in order to continue to provide better services.
  • The scope of personal information to be collected shall be the minimum necessary to achieve the purpose of collection, and in handling, we will comply with relevant laws and regulations regarding personal information protection and internal regulations within the Center.
  • The Center will acquire personal information by lawful and fair means, and will not acquire personal information by illegal means.

Management and protection of personal information

  • We will properly manage the collected personal information of customers and strive to prevent loss, destruction, falsification, unauthorized access, leakage, etc.
  • We will not disclose the acquired personal information of the customer without the consent of the customer.
  • In order to prevent the loss, destruction, falsification and leakage, etc. of personal information, we will take appropriate information security measures such as countermeasures against unauthorized access and computer viruses.

Use of personal information

  • We will clarify the purpose of use of personal information and use personal information within the scope of the purpose of use.
  • The personal information of customers will be used for the following purposes.

– For customer identification when using the service
– For the development of new services
– To contact customers as necessary
– To improve this website

Continuous improvement activity

  • In order to implement this policy, we will strive for continuous improvement. This privacy policy will be improved as appropriate when it becomes necessary to revise it.